Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi has announced the introduction of the NADRA mobile app and the opening of three new regional offices in Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Gwadar, and Gilgit-Baltistan. He indicated that the Pak-ID website would be closed, and that all NADRA services will now be accessible via the mobileRead More →

Turkish Airlines announced the restart of flights to Damascus on January 23, marking the first commercial operations to Syria’s capital in almost a decade. The decision came following the tragic demise of Syria’s long-time president, Bashar Al-Assad. Bilal Eksi, the airline’s CEO, claimed that the company will fly three flightsRead More →

(Web Desk) AHMEDABAD – On Sunday, Australia defeated India in the World Cup 2023 final to claim the trophy for the sixth time at Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad. The Aussies won $4 million in addition to the glitzy trophy. The runners-up, India, won US$2 million, while the losing semi-finalistsRead More →

The well-known Pakistani actress Mahira Khan and her partner Salim Karim got married in a lovely ceremony that thrilled online followers. Salim was attractive in a black sherwani and an icy blue turban, while Mahira was lovely in a pastel lehenga choli with a veil. Anushay Talha Khan, Mahira’s manager,Read More →